Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Songwriting Tips: Demo Clip #2

Here we continue to make something out of nothing.

Now that we are off to a good start the goal is to finish. It's crucial for me to get some momentum. To feel the wind at my back and move to sketching out the rough outline of the entire song. I need to work fast. Just record and go. I replace the perfect with the good enough. Works for me. In songwriting and in life it's your personal weirdness keep you from thinking in a straight line and progressing to the next step. I'm weird and so are you. Be proud. Learn how to get rolling.

And since I do not fancy myself a singer (not would Clapton or Jimi) I've added a solo guitar track here. This sounds like I'm going all Peter Frampton in my basement. But it's really my way of looking for vocal melodies. Otherwise I'd try to sing and it would just get ugly. The melodies flow from the guitar and I can go back and find the best and discard the rest. Like I said. Works for me.

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