Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Musical Inspiration: Fela!

I live in NY and I'm a big fan of the arts. However I rarely take in Broadway show. It’s expensive and it’s usually a musical. (Expensive + musicals = I’m not there.) But this past Friday night that’s exactly where I was. Sipping fine whiskey and taking in “Fela!” a big musical over at the Eugene O’Neill Theater.

“Fela!” is the Jay-Z and Will & Jada Pinkett-Smith production that transports you back to 1970s Nigeria to hang with Fela and his band of singing and dancing outlaws.
If you like funky live music and getting to see 1st hand, that some people in this world just get all of the talent, then this show’s for you. While I felt not worthy to call myself a musician afterward, Fela inspire me. It gave me a million ideas of how to make music better and be a better dancer too. J

And we a TMZ moment: Robbie Robertson member of The Band and Shutter Island music director, sat in front of us. Having played with Dylan and a million other legends, the guy’s Rock royalty. I only had one small complaint about Robbie: He fanned himself with the Playbill all through the 2nd act. I find celebrities doing things during slow parts of Broadway show, distracting. (Sorry Rob!)

But really there were not many slow parts in “Fela: “The Most Original Show on Broadway” as it’s billed. So if you’re in NY, have $250 and you call yourself a musician, get over to Fela it’s a lot of fun!

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