Monday, March 26, 2007

How do you Roll?

You wanna to get it on? Spontaneity in making love is one thing but some things just need to go by the book.

How do you get it on...musically? That’s an important question to ask yourself when you want to accomplish anything with your instrument. What are the perfect mix of conditions, feelings and attitudes that set your mind on "play", "write" or "record"? And no, doing a bong hit doesn’t count.

And what are the steps best for you structurally, that for example, get you to lay down quality tracks simply and quickly?

I recommend that you think hard on and write down each step on the path to that place. How do you have to feel to create that chill beat? How do you whip yourself into a rage when you are writing devil music? If you want to get funky, first you have to feel funky. So the rule is free your mind and your ass will follow. And its different for everyone.

1 comment:

Laurent said...

Do you want to Rock 'n Roll ?
go to